December 2021 Announcements
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In this 3rd Video of the Mangisursuro Memorial workout 2016 Suro presents with Darwin standard Panantukan defenses as well as some details of the technique and moves onto a second technique for Panantukan. Video URL: File Name: MM2016M3DumogSuroDarwinCMVI_0295
In this video Suro Jason Inay and Matt D demonstrate the Dumog/Panantukan technique from the first video with some details on mechanics, also covered is a striking option in the event the opponent resists the takedown. Video URL: …
In this video Suro Inay presents with Patrick Pinson a Panantukan to Dumog Entry at the 2016 Mangisursuro Memorial Workout held at ADF in San Jose Ca. Video URL: fFile Name: MM2016V1DumogSuroPPinsonMVI_0293
How not to do things…. just a fun video
This last year has taken its toll upon us all. The news and the world seemed to serve us up fear and confusion, and we ate it all. And for some, those that trained in martial arts not as a…
Inayan Serrada Cross Counter (2nd set Basic counter) to thumb strip disarm followed by armpit left takedown with trip.
So we completed about 10 hours of studio time with Master’s Magazine. Patrick and I drove down to Lala land and did a photo shoot for the April 2022 Magazine release as well as filmed the video interview that comes…
The German field marshal, known as Moltke the Elder, believed in developing a series of options for battle instead of a single plan, saying “No plan of operations extends with certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy’s main strength.”…