Month October 2022
Reactive Knife VS 1-5 Disengage – White Sash Red Triangle Requirement
Suro Inay and P Pinson demonstrate and explain the Reactive Knife Defense material vs. Angles 1-5 with the Disengage follow up option.
Reactive Knife VS 1-5 Armbar Takedown – White Sash Red Triangle Requirement
Suro Inay with the help of P Pinson presents the Reactive Knife Defense curriculum vs. Angles 1-5 with the Armbar takedown follow up.
Reactive Knife Defense Sequential vs. Angles 1-5 – White Sash Red Triangle Requirement
Suro and P Pinson present the Reactive Knife Defense curriculum for Sequential Angles 1-5. Suro also mentions some of the background behind this program, it’s origin.
A Serrada technique flow
This was taught at Gong Lee’s around 2013. a full circle for Inayan System of Eskrima
ANGLES 1-12 Hands Feet Knife – White Sash Red Triangle Requirement
Suro Inay, and P Pinson, present the angles of attack for Inayan Kadena De Mano with empty hand, hands and feet, knife, hand foot and knife, elbows and knees.