Neither rain nor snow nor sleet…

Perseverance and discipline in the face of obstacles is a real test for Martial Artists on their path for self betterment. Self Defense, truly is only possible with absolute Self Control and Self Discipline.

The old saying goes: “Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these courageous couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” And there is some debate of whether this is the motto of a postman, but it could be a great motto for an Eskrimador, someone who trains in Filipino Martial Arts.

Maybe it should read “Neither long days, or life troubles, nor fatigue or the darkest of moods stays the courageous martial artist from training every day”. However it should read, it’s the intrepid soul that can achieve the full potential Martial Arts opens up for the dedicated.

When we consider the long term benefit of training in a program like the one provided by the Inayan Training Organization, and the Inayan System of Eskrima.

Some of those benefits in the short term are:

  1. Self Control
  2. Self Discipline
  3. Self Defense

In truth Self Defense comes pretty soon in the training. But reliable Self Defense occurs after true Self Control and Self Discipline are achieved, and that takes a bit longer.

All that is great, but today… it’s the long days, fatigue, and life troubles that got me digging deep for the well of discipline I need to keep training. You see, I have a few miles and a couple scrapes that haunt me. But I have a training partner, a father who taught me better, and a passion for an art that has kept me going.

Everyone who trains regularly, will come upon a day like today. You hurt too much, your much too tired, and the day was much too long. I trained and taught anyway, and I have to say what I always say. “You never regret training, but you will regret not training.” This what i think in retrospect…

Today, while I was getting ready to teach and train, I could only think of resting, and how much pain I was experiencing. I could almost here my father say “keep training”.

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