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Dagger Karenza, an Eskrima free form in the use of Kadena De Mano style of FMA.
A karenza, or an unrehearsed form exhibiting the Filipino Martial Art known as the Inayan System of Eskrima, specifically the empty hand and knife art of Kadena De Mano (Cadena De Mano).
This is Flow, Inayan Serrada Flow spar explanation
In the Inayan method of Serrada Eskrima, a free exchange of technique with an emphasis on random permutations helps develop mental clarity, calm under pressure, and artistic expression. The art is meant to set you free!
Kids and Martial Arts, a little Filipino Empty Hand Pangamut
A sample video of the Inayan Kadena De Mano Foundation Drill #5, so easy a kid could do it 🙂 Filipino Martial Arts, known as Arnis, Kali, or Escrima, is an art with a rich tradition, last used in major…
Solo Practice of Inayan Serrada Eskrima for COVID 19
A little Serrada Karenza, some Escrima Angle attack practice and some of that good ol’basics for the goodness of tradition. Enjoy this sweet sweet moment, we never know when the situation will completely change. Adapt Instantaneously.

This is the first post of the new Inayan site. The video below is of Suro Jason Inay and Mangisursuro Inay in 1999 Inverness, Scotland, UK.