The Spyder Dumog System was born of a number of experiences and directives given to Mangisursuro Inay and Maga Guro Inosanto to Suro Inay.
From Mangisursuro: You may not add anything that is not Filipino to the Inayan System of Eskrima.
From Maha Guro Inosanto: “Silat is known as Kuntao Silat in the south of the Philipines, and when you move north it becomes known as Pangamut, there are many Pangamut systems in central and north Philippines… Kadena De Mano is one such system.” Essentially saying that our Inayan Kadena De Mano method is a Silat style.
Guro/Sifu Dan also said “That the ultimate fighting style would combine FMA, Silat, and Grappling arts like BJJ into one system”
Suro Inay has used his FMA and other arts in Security roles for 20 years and in LEO setting hunting and arresting people for approximately 7 years (2013 – 2020).
The Spyder Dumog System is the creation of Suro Inay, synergizing FMA, JKD, Silat, CACC, BJJ, Kitsune, and other arts together with his experience in LEO settings and the Inayan Methodology.
Kembongan is Forms for Filipino Silat