Inayan Eskriamdor Self Empowerment Martial Arts

Empower yourself!

People have asked me in these hard and interesting times how I motivate myself. The link at the bottom of the page tells of a harrowing journey made by an intrepid soul. The thing is, if you decide to do something and to carry it through on perseverance alone, while the moments may deplete, the personal fuel in overcoming the event will be limitless. This is the personal power that starts with learning Martial Arts for me.

I take the time to do things like fasting for 30 plus hours at a time on the regular basis, or do a difficult obstacle run, take on dangerous life threatening jobs for the soul purpose to define in myself the difference of when my body quits and when my mind wants to quit. It is that arduous journey that instills self-empowerment.

Take the time, to push yourself in a safe way, where you may wish to quit. Your mind will try to fool you into giving up, but you can use your spirit and internal determination to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. But don’t rest on your laurels so soon. The story of Ryan will let you know that you have so much further to go, you only need to decide.

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