Teaching is My Honor

I have always believed that to teach is an agreement between the teacher and the student. And where there is great sacrifice on both sides to engage in the endeavor of metamorphosis that teaching and learning martial arts entails, it’s the choice of the student and their dedicated persistence that dictates whether the art lives on in another soul. Martial Arts teaches self defense, and it is indeed great for fitness when trained correctly, but it is a whole lot more. The character development and personal development that is the result of striving to reach one’s full potential in many ways overshadows the other benefits.

It has been my distinct pleasure to have people from all of the United States, Canada, Kuwait, France, Barbados, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, England, Scotland, Japan, Philippines, Italy and points beyond choose me as their teacher, some for only one seminar, others for nearly 30 years. Thank you all so much, and I hope I can share the beautiful art of the Inayan System of Eskrima, my own Spyder Dumog System, and the Inosanto JKD Kali SIlat blend.

  • Inayan Eskriamdor Self Empowerment Martial Arts

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